Preservation Awards
The Historic Preservation Awards highlight numerous historic preservation efforts that occurred in the Kansas City area in 2021 – 22. Historic Kansas City feels that the long-term quality and character of a community are related to its willingness to identify, protect, and enhance those historic places that define and differentiate it. That is why we host the Preservation Awards, to celebrate and bring awareness to those companies and individuals who help preserve these unique historic places for future generations.
The Historic Preservation Awards took place at Drexel Hall on Thursday, October 5th at 6:30 pm. The final award winners were announced before an audience of owners, industry leaders, and representatives from around the Kansas City metro. Nominee finalists were selected from nominations received from historic preservation supporters, prior award recipients, community leaders, and leadership from Historic Kansas City.
HKC has been the only greater Kansas City nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of the area’s heritage, neighborhoods, and historic built environment. Through advocacy, public policy, outreach, and educational programming, HKC is an advocate for, and participant in, the thoughtful and meaningful preservation and rehabilitation of historic buildings, landscapes, and neighborhoods.
Preservation takes time, care, and vision. All of our winners dedicated long days and nights and problem-solved unexpected pitfalls to see these projects through from start to finish. From rundown to restored. From forgotten to flourishing!
Best Adaptive Re-Use: Awarded to a project that is an exemplary example of a creative, innovative and appropriate re-use of a historic structure. The current use of the building must differ from its historical use.
- Bonner Springs High School/Government Services Center, 200 East 3rd Street, – Excellence Award
- August Meyer Residence/ Vanderslice Hall at Kansas City Art Institute, 4415 Warwick Blvd – Excellence Award
- Woodneath Homestead Rehabilitation (MCPL Woodneath Branch Library), 8900 NE Flintlock Rd – Excellence Award
Best Preservation Practices: This award honors either outstanding work in the rehabilitation, restoration or reconstruction of a structure, or the outstanding work of a specific craftsperson on such a project. It is not intended to reflect lifetime achievement, but to highlight best-in-class or innovative techniques in a project. The nomination must include photographs of the work and descriptions of the obstacles faced by the craftsperson in performing the work, innovative techniques or materials used in the project, and the process involved in the work, including research where applicable.
- Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum, 500 W. U.S. Highway 24, Independence – Excellence Award
- 9520 Madison Street – Honors Award
- Parkway Towers Condominium, 4545 Wornall Road – Merit Award
Best Contribution to Affordable Housing through Preservation: Recognizes the value of reusing buildings rather than demolishing and starting from scratch and its importance in maintaining affordable housing in Kansas City. The project honors the best work of those who have repurposed or rehabilitated multi-family buildings, six-plexes and other properties in a way that enhances the neighborhood around them while also creating or maintaining affordable living spaces.
- W. Chaffee Whitehead Residence/ The Oglesby Hotel Apartments, 3930 Troost Ave. – Excellence Award
- Town House Hotel/ Town House Renaissance, 1021 N 7th Street Trafficway, KCKS – Excellence Award
Contemporary Design in a Historic Context: Awarded to a project that displays appropriate and innovative contemporary design in a historic context. Any contemporary building located within a historic context is eligible, including a major addition to a historic building. The project is expected to respect and complement the historic integrity of its setting. Nominations should focus on significant aspects of the historic setting and the manner in which the contemporary design acknowledges and complements them.
- Lyric Theatre/ Kirk Family YMCA, 222 W 11th Street – Honors Award
Neighborhood Stabilization Award: Awarded to a project, individual, business or group that has greatly contributed to the revitalization of a historic neighborhood or reclamation of abandoned or poorly maintained property or structure.
- Marlborough Community Land Trust, 8336 Wayne Ave one of three developed and sold. – Excellence Award
- Greek Orthodox Church/ Habitat for Humanity Headquarters, 1423 E Linwood Blvd – Honors Award
- 2545 Holmes, Jackson County CASA – Merit Award
Trailblazers Award: This award recognizes outstanding achievement in preservation activities by a group, business, municipality, neighborhood, or other organization. The award nomination evaluation will be based on outstanding achievement for a significant project or for a lengthy period of dedication to preservation activities.
- Short-term Rental Working Group, Kansas City, Missouri
Jane Flynn Pillars of Preservation Award: Individual or joint partnership that has championed historic preservation, planning, or public policy.
- Jim Schraeder
George Ehrlich Award: Awarded to a group or individual for an outstanding publication in preservation, history, urban design or a related topic.
- “Kansas City’s Montgall Avenue: Black Leaders and the Street They Called Home” by Margie Carr
Award Winners
- Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum
- Parkway Towers Condominium
- Kirk Family YMCA
- Bonner Springs Government Services Center
- Vanderslice Hall, KCAI
- MCPL Woodneath Branch Library
- Jim Schraeder
- Kansas City Community Land Trust
- Jackson County CASA
- Short-term Rental Working Group
- The Oglesby Hotel Apartments
- Town House Renaissance
- Margie Carr
- Habitat for Humanity Headquarters
- The Mid-Western