Early in 2023, Lux Living shared with Historic Kansas City plans for a 30-STORY project to be built on a vacant lot and parking lot at the northeast corner of 14th and Wyandotte adjoining the iconic historic Power & Light Building. The plan submitted by the St. Louis developer called for a building that would include 300 apartments and 200 hotel rooms along with a small amount of retail space. It would include a 421 space, four-level garage. The tower would devote five levels to the hotel and 15 levels to apartments.
The plan’s scale was reduced at the request of Historic Kansas City.
The revised proposal now includes a 10-story, 200-room boutique hotel and a 20-story apartment building. HKC finds this revised design a great improvement over the original.
The south and east facades and the contours and profile of the historic building remain broadly visible, recognizing that the blank wall to the west will largely be obscured. The massing utilizes set-backs and contours to assure that Power and Light remains visible as much as possible and height is more deferential to that of the historic building.
The lighter color palette and use of glass is preferred.
The horizontal and vertical detailing, set-backs and rhythm of Power and Light design is now echoed in the new building.
This project is an example of how the community and developers can work together for the best possible result. The development plan is scheduled to be heard by the City Planning Commission on May 2nd, 2023.