Historic places face threats every day. Those threats vastly exceed Historic Kansas City’s resources, which is why Historic Kansas City works with historic neighborhoods that take the lead and seek our help to preserve the history and character that is important to them. Saving a historic structure takes months to build a coalition, work with city planning and gain the support of councilmembers.



The City Council on Thursday, September 28th, took the nearly unprecedented move of going against the wishes of a home’s owners and placing their 110-year-old mansion on the Kansas City Register of Historic Places.

The 9-3 vote effectively saves what is known as the George B. Richards mansion from demolition for at least three years. Before this vote, only two properties in Kansas City had ever been placed on the city’s historic register without the owner’s permission: Union Station in 1986 and the 31st and Main streets historic district in 2022. Neither were residential properties.

Because the owners filed a petition against the designation, the measure required a three-quarter supermajority of nine votes to pass, and did so in the face of Mayor Quinton Lucas and two council members, Ryana Parks-Shaw and Melissa Robinson, voting no. Councilwoman Andrea Bough was not present.

Historic designation requires the owners to maintain the exterior of the home. They are not allowed to make any significant changes without city approval. The interior, however, is not similarly protected. Note, the three year demolition delay period does not commence until an application for demolition is filed and denied by the Historic Preservation Commission. Congratulations to the Southmoreland Neighborhood who sponsored the historic designation application.

Yet, the fate of this historic structure remains uncertain. Read more HERE.




The application to add 4526 Warwick Boulevard, the George B. Richards Residence, to the Kansas City Register of Historic Places will be heard by the CITY COUNCIL ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th at 3:00 PM. The NPDC Chairperson requested the continuance to allow the Legal Department time to render an opinion on the legality of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in association with the impact of the “demolition” delay on the property owner.

The Southmoreland Neighborhood filed the application. If approved, the designation may trigger a temporary 3-year hold on demolition. There is no plan for redeveloping this site. Historic Designation Over “Owner Opposition” Has ONLY Been Approved TWICE in History.

Although the City Council does not take testimony during their session, you may attend in person or virtually to watch the vote and show your support for historic neighborhoods.

When: Thursday, September 28th, 3:00 pm

Where: City Hall Chambers, 26th Floor, or virtually HERE.


Show your support by sending an email to the Mayor and members of the City Council by Wednesday, September 27th.

See the example letter template below.

August 27, 2023

City Council, publicengagement@kcmo.org

Mayor Quinton Lucas, MayorQ@kcmo.org

Mr. Kevin O’Neill, Kevin.ONeill@kcmo.org

Mr. Nathan Willet, nathan.willett@kcmo.org

Mrs. Lindsay French, lindsay.french@kcmo.org

Mr. Wes Rogers, wes.rogers@kcmo.org

Ms. Melissa Patterson-Hazley, melissa.patterson-hazley@kcmo.org

Ms. Melissa Robinson, Melissa.Robinson@kcmo.org

Mr. Eric Bunch, Eric.Bunch@kcmo.org

Mr. Crispin Rea, crispin.rea@kcmo.org

Ms. Ryana Parks-Shaw, Keema.Mccoy@kcmo.org

Mr. Darrell Curls, darrell.curls@kcmo.org

Ms. Andrea Bough, Andrea.Bough@kcmo.org

Mr. Johnathan Duncan, johnathan.duncan@kcmo.org


Kansas City Missouri City Hall

414 East 12th Street

Kansas City, MO 64106


RE: Ordinance # 230705

Dear City Council Members,

I respectfully request your support in voting YES on the local historic designation of the George B. Richards Residence at 4526 Warwick Boulevard. The Kansas City Historic Preservation Commission unanimously recognized this property as a good example of the Classical Revival Style. Kansas City’s significant homes must be given the opportunity to be restored, renovated, or repurposed before resorting to drastic measures like demolition. The demolition of this home would impact our culturally rich neighborhood in negative ways.

Keeping the home intact is essential to the value of the home. The highest and best use of this property is to keep the home on the site, and use it for single family use, or as adaptive reuse, such as the Jannes Library, at 4538 Warwick Boulevard, or the Truitt at 4320 Oak Street.

Our city founders designed our parks and boulevards to create beautiful neighborhoods. This is the only single-family home remaining on Warwick Boulevard near the historic Southmoreland Park.

The owner and the prospective buyer have no plans for the property beyond the demolition of the home. No development plans have been shared with the neighborhood or filed with the City.

The community will not accept another vacant lot. Southmoreland now has over six acres of vacant lots between 44th and 46th Street. Vacant lots in our neighborhood become places for tent encampments, which have spurred an increase in property crimes, and endangered the safety of students, visitors, and residents.

Please preserve the fabric of our historic, culturally rich Southmoreland neighborhood and approve the local historic designation of 4526 Warwick Boulevard.







Southmoreland Neighborhood Association, sna.membership@gmail.com

Ms. Ahnna Nanoski, ahnna.nanoski@kcmo.org

Mr. Brad Wolf, bradley.wolf@kcmo.org

Lisa Briscoe, lbriscoe@historickansascity.org





During the City Council Legislative session today, the City Council CONTINUED the discussion of the Historic Designation of 4526 Warwick Boulevard to Thursday, September 14th at 3:00 pm.

The NPDC Chairperson requested the continuance to allow the Legal Department time to render an opinion on the legality of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in association with the impact of the “demolition” delay on the property owner.


BACKGROUND: Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee

Today the Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee of the City Council UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDED the historic designation of the property at 4526 Warwick Blvd against the wishes of the property owner.



BACKGROUND: City Plan Commission Hearing

The historic designation for 4526 Warwick Blvd. is scheduled to be heard by the NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE of the City Council on Wednesday, AUGUST 23rd, at 1:30 PM at City Hall and via Zoom.

Historic Designation Over “Owner Opposition” Has ONLY Been Approved TWICE in History.




Support the historic designation of 4526 Warwick Blvd. by submitting a letter of support to the Neighborhood Planning & Development Committee. Include Ordinance No. 230705 in your letter and the email subject line.  Background information HERE.

See the example letter template below.

August 21, 2023


Neighborhoods, Planning, and Development Committee, publicengagement@kcmo.org

Ms. Ryana Parks-Shaw, Chairperson, Keema.Mccoy@kcmo.org

Mr. Eric Bunch, Vice Chair, Eric.Bunch@kcmo.org

Ms. Melissa Patterson-Hazley, melissa.patterson-hazley@kcmo.org

Mr. Nathan Willet, nathan.willett@kcmo.org

Kansas City Missouri City Hall

414 East12th Street

Kansas City, MO 64106


RE: Ordinance # 230705, Case # CD-CPC-2023-0079

Dear Neighborhoods, Planning, and Development Committee Members,

I respectfully request your support in voting YES on the local historic designation of the George B. Richards Residence at 4526 Warwick Boulevard. The Kansas City Historic Preservation Commission unanimously recognized this property as a good example of the Classical Revival Style. Kansas City’s significant homes must be given the opportunity to be restored, renovated, or repurposed before resorting to drastic measures like demolition. The demolition of this home would impact our culturally rich neighborhood in negative ways.

  • Keeping the home intact is essential to the value of the home. The highest and best use of this property is to keep the home on the site, and use it for single family use, or as adaptive reuse, such as the Jannes Library, at 4538 Warwick Boulevard, or the Truitt at 4320 Oak Street.
  • Our city founders designed our parks and boulevards to create beautiful neighborhoods. This is the only single-family home remaining on Warwick Boulevard near the historic Southmoreland Park.
  • The owner and the prospective buyer have no plans for the property beyond the demolition of the home. No development plans have been shared with the neighborhood or filed with the City.
  • The community will not accept another vacant lot. Southmoreland now has over six acres of vacant lots between 44th and 46th Street. Vacant lots in our neighborhood become places for tent encampments, which have spurred an increase in property crimes, and endangered the safety of students, visitors, and residents.

Please preserve the fabric of our historic, culturally rich Southmoreland neighborhood and recommend the local historic designation of 4526 Warwick Boulevard to the City Council.








Southmoreland Neighborhood Association, sna.membership@gmail.com

Mr. Crispin Rea, crispin.rea@kcmo.org

Ms. Ahnna Nanoski, ahnna.nanoski@kcmo.org

Mr. Brad Wolf, bradley.wolf@kcmo.org

Lisa Briscoe, lbriscoe@historickansascity.org


BACKGROUND: City Plan Commission Hearing

The historic designation for 4526 Warwick Blvd. will be heard by the CITY PLAN COMMISSION ON AUGUST 1ST, at 9 AM at City Hall and via Zoom.


Historic Designation Over “Owner Opposition” Has ONLY Been Approved TWICE in History


Support the historic designation of 4526 Warwick Blvd. by submitting a letter of support to the City Plan Commission by no later than WEDNESDAY, JULY 26TH to publicengagement@kcmo.org . Include case number CD-CPC-2023-00079 in your letter and the email subject line.

See the example letter template and background.

July ##, 2023

City Plan Commission

City Planning & Development Department
Kansas City Missouri City Hall
414 East 12th Street, 15th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64106

RE: CD-CPC-2023-0079

Dear City Plan Commission Members,
I respectfully request your support in voting YES on the local historic designation of the George B. Richards Residence at 4526 Warwick Boulevard. The Kansas City Historic Commission unanimously recognized this property as a good example of the Classical Revival Style. Kansas City’s significant homes must be given the opportunity to be restored, renovated, or repurposed before resorting to drastic measures like demolition. The demolition of this home would impact on our culturally rich neighborhood in negative ways.

● Keeping the home intact is essential to the value of the home. The highest and best use of this property is to keep the home on the site, and use it for single family use, or as adaptive reuse, such as the Jannes Library, at 4538 Warwick Boulevard.
● Our city founders designed our parks and boulevards to create beautiful neighborhoods. This is the only single-family home remaining on Warwick Boulevard near the historic Southmoreland Park.
● The owner and the prospective buyer have no material plans for the property beyond demolition of the home. No development plans have been shared with the neighborhood or filed with the City.
● The community will not accept another vacant lot. Southmoreland now has over six acres of vacant lots between 44th and 46th Street. Vacant lots in our neighborhood become places for tent encampments, which have spurred an increase in property crimes, and endangered the safety of students, visitors, and residents.

Please preserve the fabric of our historic, culturally rich Southmoreland neighborhood and recommend local historic designation of 4526 Warwick Boulevard to the City Council.



Southmoreland Neighborhood Association, sna.membership@gmail.com
Ahnna Nanoski, ahnna.nanoski@kcmo.org
Brad Wolf, bradley.wolf@kcmo.org
Lisa Briscoe, lbriscoe@historickansascity.org

Contact the Southmoreland Neighborhood Association at:

Margot Sims, simsmargot@gmail.com or

Laura Burkhalter, laura.burkhalter@gmail.com



On July 14th, a prospective buyer met with the Southmoreland Neighborhood Association. The developer has made an offer to purchase the property subject to conditions related to the historic designation application and upzoning of the property from R-5 (limited to 35 feet in height) to R-0.5 (165 feet in height, which is equivalent to about 11 stories).

The Southmoreland Neighborhood will hold a special public board meeting on July 27th to discuss.

The site is within the Plaza Bowl Concept Area within the Midtown Plaza Area Plan, which recommends a MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 45 FT.



Friday, May 26th, 2023, the Historic Preservation Commission unanimously recommended the historic designation of the property at 4526 Warwick Blvd against the wishes of the property owner. The decision considered multiple letters of support including Historic Kansas City.



A local historic district application was filed by the SOUTHMORELAND NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION for the property located at 4526 Warwick Blvd. The application triggers a temporary hold on demolition.

This is the first of a three-part public hearing process. Only if the Historic Preservation Commission affirms the application by 5 votes will the case advance to the City Plan Commission. View details at CompassKC HERE.

Case CH-PRES-2023-00001 designation application will be heard by the Historic Preservation Commission FRIDAY, MAY 26th, at 9 am at City Hall. The Historic Preservation Commission hearing will be held on the 10th Floor of City Hall and remotely by video conference. Citizens wishing to participate virtually should do so through the video conference platform Zoom, using the link provided by the Historic Preservation Commission.


Support the historic designation of 4526 Warwick by submitting a letter or email of support by no later than 5 P.M. WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th to kchp@kcmo.org.

Contact the Southmoreland Neighborhood Association at:

Margot Sims, simsmargot@gmail.com or

Laura Burkhalter, laura.burkhalter@gmail.com


See the example template below for your use:

CH-PRES-2023-00001, 4526 Warwick Blvd

To Members of the Preservation Commission:

The [NAME OF GROUP] supports the timely listing of 4526 Warwick Blvd. on the Kansas City Register of Historic Places.

The George B. Richards house, located at 4526 Warwick Boulevard in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri is eligible for listing to the Kansas City Register of Historic Places under Criterion C, in the area of Architecture. The house and the accompanying carriage house was completed in 1913 for George B Richards, the President of Richards & Conover Hardware Company. The house was designed by Walter C. Root and George M. Siemens of the local prominent firm Root & Siemens, in the popular Classical Revival style. The Richards house and carriage house are architecturally significant as high style examples of the Classical Revival style in Kansas City. Additionally, the George B. Richards house is an integral contributing structure to the historic and cultural fabric of this neighborhood. The primary house and the contributing carriage house retain their integrity and convey their architectural significance through workmanship, materials, placement and design.

Today, 4526 Warwick Blvd contributes [CURRENT BENEFITS TO THE KANSAS CITY].

The [NAME OF GROUP] recommends that the Commission vote to APPROVE CH-PRES-2023-00001, 4526 Warwick Blvd. for listing on the Kansas City Register of Historic Places.

Thank you.



Once an application has been filed, no building permit for alteration, construction, demolition, or removal of a property being considered for designation under an application for an HO district may be issued until the historic preservation commission has dismissed or denied the application for designation, or until the city council has denied designation in accordance with the procedures established in 88-580-01-C. and 88-580- 01-E., though no stay on the issuance of a permit may be for more than six months from the filing of the application. Some exemptions can apply.



1. The historic preservation commission must hold at least one public hearing on the designation of historic districts. Following the close of the hearing, the historic preservation commission must act to recommend that the proposed designation be approved, approved with modifications, continued for further deliberation, forwarded to the city plan commission with no recommendation, or denied. Five affirmative votes are required to recommend approval or approval with modifications. A majority of those present is required to continue for further deliberation, forward to the city plan commission with no recommendation, or deny the application.
2. The historic preservation commission may grant a rehearing if the rehearing request includes new evidence to be presented that was not available at the time of the original hearing. The request for a rehearing must be made within 30 days of the date of the historic preservation commission’s original action. No more than one rehearing is permitted.
3. The findings of the historic preservation commission, must be forwarded to the city plan commission and city council for review.
4. In reviewing and making decisions on proposed historic landmark and historic district designations, the historic preservation commission must consider at least the following factors: a. the criteria used in determining eligibility for listing on the U.S. Department of Interior’s National Register of Historic Places, including the historic, cultural, aesthetic, or architectural significance of the building, structure, site, object, or district; and b. conformance with the city’s adopted plans and planning policies; c. the economic impact of the designation on the subject property and the surrounding area.



The property is NOT LISTED on the Kansas City Register of Historic Places; therefore NO PROTECTION is afforded to it.

The permit to kill the water service was issued, April 21, 2023, as WS-E-159901. In addition Public Works issued an excavation permit also as of April 21, 2023 related to the water line [PW-EXC-2023-01851]. Both were applied for by Charles Cacioppo of Industrial Salvage and Wrecking. The traffic control permit is pending. All of this would be preliminary to the demolition permit.

Per the listing agent representing owner they envision a high rise in its location. The agent marketed the property as high-rise. R-0.5, R-5. Yet, the site is within the Plaza Bowl Concept Area within the Midtown Plaza Area Plan, which recommends a MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 45 FT.

Kansas City ordinances do not currently allow pre-demolition review for most historic structures. Snap demolitions proceed with little more than an application filed with the City and a quick counter review. How can an historic building be demolished without any warning or a meaningful review? We believe the residents of this city deserve to have input into such an important decision affecting their neighborhood and the broader community and that demolition should not move forward until they have been given a chance to meet with the developer and understand their plans. Is any historic building in this city safe when destruction so readily occurs? The historic and cultural assets of the city must be protected and warrant better.

[Image Google]