Application Process
Each year Historic Kansas City presents the Preservation Awards to a select group of individuals, organizations and businesses for projects from throughout the Kansas City area which exemplify outstanding achievement in the field of historic preservation. The awards honor projects involving the preservation or protection of historic resources including the restoration, rehabilitation and/or adaptive reuse of historic properties; sympathetic new additions to historic buildings; or education, documentation and advocacy work on behalf of the preservation of our heritage.
Nominations for the 2024 – 2025 Preservation Awards will be accepted through April 30, 2025, 11:59 pm local time. See each award category below for more information.
- Category 1: Best Adaptive Re-Use: Awarded to a project that is an exemplary example of a creative, innovative, and appropriate re-use of a historic structure. The current use of the building must differ from its historical use.
- Category 2: Best Preservation Practices: This award honors either outstanding work in the rehabilitation, restoration or reconstruction of a structure, or the outstanding work of a specific craftsperson on such a project. It is not intended to reflect lifetime achievement, but to highlight best-in-class or innovative techniques in a project. The nomination must include photographs of the work and descriptions of the obstacles faced by the craftsperson in performing the work, innovative techniques or materials used in the project, and the process involved in the work, including research where applicable.
- Category 3: Best Contribution to Affordable Housing through Preservation: Recognizes the value of reusing buildings rather than demolishing and starting from scratch and its importance in maintaining affordable housing in Kansas City. The protect honors the best work of those who have repurposed or rehabilitated multi-family buildings, six-plexes and other properties in a way that enhances the neighborhood around them while also creating or maintaining affordable living spaces.
- Category 4: Contemporary Design in a Historic Context: Awarded to a project that displays appropriate and innovative contemporary design in a historic context. Any contemporary building located within a historic context is eligible, including a major addition to a historic building. The project is expected to respect and complement the historic integrity of its setting. Nominations should focus on significant aspects of the historic setting and the manner in which the contemporary design acknowledges and complements them.
- Category 5: Innovation in Preservation: Recognize projects that show innovation (such as Blue and Green Architecture, Financing, Technology) and push the preservation movement forward.
- Category 6: Neighborhood Stabilization Award: Awarded to a project, individual, business or group that has greatly contributed to the revitalization of a historic neighborhood or reclamation of abandoned or poorly maintained property or structure.
- Category 7: Trailblazers Award: This award recognizes outstanding achievement in preservation activities by a group, business, municipality, neighborhood, or other organization. The award nomination evaluation will be based on outstanding achievement for a significant project or for a lengthy period of dedication to preservation activities.
- Category 8: Jane Flynn Pillars of Preservation Award: Individual or joint partnership that has championed historic preservation, planning, or public policy.
- Category 9: George Ehrlich Award: Awarded to a group or individual for an outstanding publication in preservation, history, urban design, or a related topic.
Eligibility Requirements
- A complete nomination form must be submitted.
- Projects and activities must have been completed during the 2024 calendar year or substantially completed by April 30, 2025.
- HKC will accept both self-nominations and nominations without the knowledge of the nominee.
- Awards may not be given in all categories and more than one award per category may be made.
- Awards are chosen and conferred at the discretion of the Historic Kansas City Board of Directors.
- Projects are to be located within the following counties: Missouri: Clay, Jackson, and Platte. Kansas: Johnson and Wyandotte.
Nomination Requirements
In order to be considered a nomination including the following must be submitted by April 30, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. local time. A completed nomination form that includes:
- A full one-page narrative explaining why the nominee deserves area-wide recognition. Describe the challenges overcome, unique strategies used, efforts to incorporate sustainable practices, positive impact on the community and overall contribution to historic preservation. Provide in either Word or PDF document.
- If any Federal or State programs provided financial assistance to the project, please list.
- Articles written about the project.
- Submit at least fifteen (15) high-resolution digital images, each titled with the name of the nominated project. Digital images must be submitted in the form of JPEG files. Before and after images are encouraged so to strengthen the merits of the application.
- By submitting this application, you consent to and approve the Historic Kansas City Foundation’s use, reproduction, or make available, the information on this form and any supporting materials provided including all image[s], without compensation.
Application Fee
- There is NO application fee for HKC BUSINESS MEMBERS OR CORPORATE SPONSORS for any nomination category.
- There is NO application fee for HKC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP for the following categories:
- Jane Flynn Pillars of Preservation Award
- George Ehrlich Award
- Trailblazers Award
- Neighborhood Stabilization Award
- There is a $150 application fee per project for the following categories, excluding HKC BUSINESS MEMBERS OR CORPORATE SPONSORS:
- Best Adaptive Re-use
- Best Preservation Practices
- Best Contribution to Affordable Housing through Preservation
- Contemporary design in a Historic Context
- Innovation in Preservation
Nomination Form HERE for the nomination form.
- All nominations must be submitted by e-mail to
- If you have any questions, please contact